Saturday, March 10, 2012

Green Tea - what is it all about?

I bet all of you guys heard about how good is green tea for our health. Ok. But what EXACTLY is it all about?
What we call green tea is known also as Camellia sinensis. Its leaves and leaf buds have been the source of all the good benefits for 5,000 years. The advantages of drinking green tea are countless:
  • speeds up your metabolism
  • it has anticarcinogenic properties
  • minimizes the risk of strokes
  • it helps to get rid of toxins in your organism
  • it can help you to calm down and relax or to get some power and energy
  • it's a source of antioxidants
  • it tastes so good!

How to make the best of it?

There are 2 crucial things you should take into account:
- temperature
- time

Temperature. The most common mistake is using boiling hot water for green tea. It will give you a beverage that is very bitter and lack a huge part of its health benefits. The perfect temperature you should steep it in is around 80°C (185°F). To maintain it just boil the water and then wait about 10 minutes before you use it

Time. This is an important factor for achieving a specific qualities of you cup of tea. The time depends on if you prefer a beverage that will calm you down or a beverage working like a little cup of coffee. For a cup of energizer brew it shorter (2 or 2 and a half minute), for a tranquilizer - longer (about 3-5 minutes). IMPORTANT: after letting it brew for a certain amount of time you SHOULD remove the leaves so the tea is not bitter. For this purpose you can use tea infusers or simply tip the tea carefully into another cup leaving leaves in the first one.

Leaves or bags?
I'll definitely say leaves. The quality of the tea is a lot better and what's more this type of green tea is reusable. You can use the same leaves 2 or three times. It is believed that the second time is the most beneficial. With tea bags it's rather impossible - after using them the second time what you get is almost colorless and tasteless water.

Sugar? No thanks.
To make the best of green tea you should avoid adding sugar. I guess in the beginning if you're not used to the taste of the green tea you it won't be a crime if you add half of a tablespoon, but try to gradually get rid of it.

Scientific researches showed that too much green tea can decrease iron absorption which leads to anemia. Of course the amount considered harmful is huge, however keep in mind that everything is good in moderation. Drinking no more than 4-5 cups of green tea daily will is the optimal solution.

Perfect cup of green tea step by step:

  • Boil the water
  • Prepare a cup/mug
  • Wait 10 minutes so the temperature drops enough
  • Using the small amount of hot water rinse the inside of the cup so it gets warm
  • Place a desirable amount of tea leaves (1 tablespoon per cup) in a tea infuser (or simply in a cup). Then put it into a cup.
  • Pour the water into the cup
  • Cover the cup with a plate.
  • Wait 2-5 minutes
  • Remove the leaves
  • Add sugar if you really really need it.
  • Enjoy!

Personally I LOVE green tea and I drink it almost every day. It's a great replacement for the coffee in the morning. It's  refreshing, tasty, healthy and easy to prepare :)


  1. I agreed green tea is very effective for our health
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  2. I truly believe in all the things that you said here in your blog. I believe that green tea has lots of benefits. I have been drinking green tea for quite some time now and I love the effects of it on my body.
